
  • Client, Los Angeles, CA

    “You have helped me so much in uncovering the unconscious mindset blocks I have that have prevented me, in the past, from achieving my dreams. Your empathy, warm-heartedness, and love-led approach help me to feel safe to share and also approach painful topics with curiosity and compassion. I hear your voice…

  • Client, Phoenix, AZ

    “Thanks for holding space for me. Having your mind in my life has become enriching and appreciated. Your empath quality and keen intellect provides a safe reliable place for me to create and improve. Furthermore, your intuition provides insight and positive direction for me to more effectively navigate the landscape of…

  • Client, Portland, OR

    “Our conversations help me remember where my joy lives. You are a wonderful encouragement. Our connection is a blessing from God. Sending endless appreciation”

  • Client, Dayton, OH

    “Jade is so warm and inviting in her conversation. I really like her genuine enthusiasm for her clients’ goals and gifts such good encouragement. She helps clients go deeper to find how their own thoughts and minds can hold them back and Jade does a wonderful job walking clients through their…

  • Client, Rural WA

    “Wow! What can I say but Jade has been absolutely wonderful in helping to figure out my best path forward. She is kind, caring, and creates the most amazing safe space. I have been able to better understand my desires and I now understand how to put them into action. I…

  • Client, Pierce County, WA, USA

    “Life Coaching helped me get over limiting beliefs and self-imposed restrictions. How we think and feel, consciously and sub-consciously, not only affects our wealth, it impacts everything in our life. Jade The 5D Coach has helped me to open up my creative flow, motivation, my ability to generate greater income and…

  • Professional Coach Mentor, Ontario, Canada

    “You are so warm and so genuine. Jade, I love your sincerity. I love how you set the stage for your clients. And your excitement and energy is on a par with what you’re saying. Great self-disclosure and stepping into the knowingness. This is real. You focus on safety and how…

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